Blog / Fraud trends

How does fraud affect German companies in 2024 and beyond? Ravelin's findings

Following the release of Ravelin's Fraud Survey 2024, it’s time to home in on Germany’s results in particular, to better understand the fraud landscape, how it differs from the rest of the world, and how firms can protect bottom lines, image and growth.

10 June 2024

How does fraud affect German companies in 2024 and beyond? Ravelin's findings

Below, you'll find a two-page special report we have published featuring the Germany-specific findings of our Fraud Survey 2024.

For deeper insights into the online fraud landscape and its future, download Ravelin's Fraud & Payments Survey 2024 here.

FS24 countries Germany 2 pager digital Page 1
FS24 countries Germany 2 pager digital Page 2

Looking for more insights?

Download Ravelin's 52-page Fraud Trends 2024 Survey for free right here.

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