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What are the latest fashion fraud trends?

Fashion merchants, what are your top challenges & fraud risks? We asked your industry about their main concerns. Let’s see how your business compares…

What are the latest fashion fraud trends?

Over 60% of fashion sales will be online by 2024. What challenges will this bring to your industry? And what will this mean for your fraud risks? We asked online fashion merchants about their top concerns - here are the highlights...

Refund and promo abuse are growing

Refund abuse is up for 54% of fashion merchants, causing huge revenue loss and operational costs. And 44% of fashion brands are seeing promo abuse rise, leading to brand and profit erosion.

Refund abuse impacts fashion sustainability

Fast fashion is an environmental emergency. Fashion causes more damage to the planet than the entire aviation industry. And customers are starting to pay attention, as over 60% now look for sustainable brands.

Refund abuse is a sustainability issue, as a quarter of returns end up in landfill. Imagine how much waste your business could reduce by stopping abuse. And how much you could improve your brand’s purpose.

It’s getting harder to keep customers happy

Customers want more and more from the online shopping experience. Over 70% want generous returns policies, 80% want checkouts shorter than three seconds, and 90% require free shipping to be happy. How can you improve your user experience and stop fraud?

Arm yourself with the latest fashion statistics and benchmark your business. Here's our infographic for more detail...

Source list

Global apparel market predicted growth

Ecommerce share of fashion sales

Fashion global greenhouse gas emissions

Sustainability as a key purchasing factor

Fashion purchases online versus in-store

Over-purchasing and serial returns

Returns go to landfill

CO2 emissions from returns

Scalping bots after promo drops

Resale value of Nike trainers

"SneakerBot" market value

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