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What on-demand fraud in 2016 looks like

As the on-demand economy continues to grow and reach more people, there are more opportunities than ever for fraudsters to operate. But what does this fraud look like?

09 February 2016

What on-demand fraud in 2016 looks like

The on-demand economy is growing at an incredibly fast rate; sometimes there seem to be more food delivery bikes on city streets than cars! And as more on-demand businesses spring up, so do the opportunities for fraudsters to operate. We have analysed 26 million transactions from our merchant network in order to illustrate the fraud landscape in the on-demand economy - read more about this here.

As we continue to gain data from our ever-expanding merchant network, we increase our insight into the world of online credit card fraud and the behaviours surrounding it. This is invaluable not only to our current customers, but also to all merchants operating in the online space. We have pulled together all of our findings into the infographic below. Take a look and if you have any question or concerns about something you see, please get in touch!

(If you don't see the beautiful infographic below, click here)

To learn more about online payment fraud visit our insights page.


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